This page contains Testimonials (from various sources and in various languages) sent by people who knew and appreciated Tim.

Cette page contienne des témoignages (de sources et langues différentes) envoyés par des personne qui ont connu et apprécié Tim

Aceasta pagina conține marturii (din diferite surse, in diferite limbi) trimise de persoane care l-au cunoscut și l-au apreciat pe Timi

Alyson (Los Angeles, CA, USA)

I met Tim in 2015 and a few after meeting him I was so overcome with love and gratitude for him, that I decided to put my feelings into a ‘Thank You’ note for Tim’s parents, for raising such a special person. I would read this to Tim from time to time and he said one day he hoped to share it with his parents and I’d like to do that today.

‘I have only known Tim for a few months now but that is all has taken me to fall in love with him. He is by far one of the kindest, sweetest, most genuine and altruistic people that I know. It is easy to see Tim’s heart of gold and compassion and love for all living things.

I feel so grateful and blessed not just to know that someone like him exists in the world, but to know him and love him so deeply. This world is a better place because he is in it.

I cannot image not knowing Tim for he has given me so much just by sharing himself with me. I feel so privileged to have him by my side. I have no idea what I’ve done to deserve him. He has been my greatest gift. He brigs such joy and happiness to me and enriches my life in ways I never imagined that someone could.. He has showed me what true love is.

Against the odds of finding this kind of love in such a big world, we managed to find each other. I am forever grateful for this. And I truly believe fate was at work here to bring us together. I feel the only way I can repay the tremendous gift I have received is to be continuously grateful for him, to be the best person I can be to our family, friends and strangers who are just passing through our days. And most of all to always remember to love, cherish , adore and honor your son.

Tim makes me want to be a better person, to love more deeply and to give more freely. He loves both of you with all his heart. The way he speaks of you is so touching, with complete love and admiration. He gives you all the credit fot the wonderful person he is.

When I ask him what has made him this way, his answer is always the same - good parents. I want you to know that what you have done was raise nothing short of a miracle. On our first date, Tim told me he was blown away by me. Little did I realize at that time was how he would continually take my breath away, day after day. You both have raised an incredible person. Everything he does, from the sweet mundane to the extraordinary, is done with great love, kindness and purpose. He gives fully with all he does. I admire his resolve, vitality, aspirations and success. I’m inspired and in a awe everyday by him.

Words cannot describe the feeling I get when he is near me, when he holds my hand and when he smiles at me. I wish for him all the happiness and goodness in this world.. I want to do my best to keep that to him, as he so easily does that for me. Thank you for raising the love of my life, for caring for him and showing him what love is, so he is able to show me this so effortlessly, every day.

Ruxandra Centea (Montreal, QC, Canada)

I’d like to start by sharing a story about how my brother, Tim, knew who I was, decades before I knew myself.

I was 5 years old when I moved to Canada and Tim was 9. We didn’t have much, but we had each other, bunk beds, and strong minds. Tim always had hands for books, and I, for the stars. So when I cried for lights out and sweet dreams, he did not resist. Instead, he began teaching me about who I was. He said : you were born to be a boss.

I am almost 30 years old now, continuing to collect his lessons.

I wrote and erased words many times over the past week … Overdoing and overthinking … My hands have grown stiff with fear at the inability to condense the amount of voices that are mourning the loss of Tim.

How does one fit letters together for a mother and father grieving the loss of their first born?


Or summarize a love story that grew across continents and exceeded all expectations.


I look around and I see too much love for one soul to make sense of with language. And we spoke three.

So I want to invite you to do something Tim has taught me : to pause. To look around at the love that fills this room. To listen to your breath… to give permission to the tears that we bring, and to hold them for one another.

Tim was remarkable in so many ways, and he touched so many people during his young life, as we can see by your presence here today. He was someone who played many roles in his life, and all of them were exceptionally meaningful. He was a family man – a son, a brother, a cousin, a nephew... He brought such comfort and was devoted to being someone we could count on. He selflessly honored, protected, and guided us throughout the many challenges of this life, all while dealing with his own. And that became the foundation of everything moving forward. Being an anchor.

We weren’t the only ones who had the blessing to witness all his wonderful qualities.

He had so much kindness and love to give to anyone who came in his life. Alyson, you have given us a glimpse of your happiness and of a love and a life that is so balanced and strong, and I thank you for that. His sense of balance between self-care and continuous nurturing of others can only be defined as an exceptional quality of an exceptional man.

He wanted to love, and be loved in return.

And so he was.

And will continue to be for the rest of our lives.

Gaurav Nilankantan (Thousand Oaks, CA, USA)

March 12, 2019 : Dear Friends and Colleagues, It is with the saddest and heaviest of hearts that I wanted to let you know of the sudden passing away last weekend of our beloved friend and colleague Prof. Timotei Centea, who worked at the University of Southern California’s M.C. Gill Composites Center.

Many of you professionally knew Tim as a brilliant young researcher in composites manufacturing and personally as a cheerful, funny, witty, and calm personality.

Always with a smile on his face.

However what everyone most loved and respected so much about Tim was his kind, generous, and patient nature, mentoring scores of undergrads and grad students during his time at the composites centers at McGill University and the University of Southern California.

He has shaped and spurred on so many future promising careers in composites.

The quintessential devoted and brilliant mentor who deeply cared about his colleagues and students and was selfless with his time, expertise, and support.

His sudden passing away has left us all in shock and grief.

It has left us with a deep hole in our hearts and a huge void in the composites community. I used to share an office with Tim at the USC composites center. He was like a younger brother to me. Rest in peace my friend. #TimCentea

We are soon going to begin collecting letters and notes from Tim's large network of friends, colleagues, and students so that we can put it up on a website for everyone to read how Tim was so special and impacted their lives. There are just so many notes and comments that have been coming in …

For those of you who don’t know, I used to share an office with Tim at USC's composites center. I was very close to Tim both personally and professionally. He was like a younger brother to me. Tim touched many people's lives and was universally loved and respected by all of his friends and colleagues. I want to make sure that all professional networks we use are appropriately notified. Many people will want to express their condolences, grief, and share stories of how Tim touched their lives.

Oprea family (New York, NY, USA)

Timi a fost, pentru noi, modelul copilului ideal si ni se rupe inima ca ajungem sa ii dorim acum sa se odihnească in pace

Dar asa e sa fie, nu exista alinare pentru cei ce rămân aici.

O inteligenta remarcabila, un parcurs foarte rar întâlnit, un caracter deosebit.

Nu uitati ca luminița de la capătul tunelului este încă acolo, vie.

Va dorim tuturor sa aveți forța morala sa o faceți, căci cu aceasta viata schimbata radical, ca sa ii puteti onora memoria.

Professor Dr. Steven Nutt (Los Angeles, CA, USA)

So many people have been in tears that past two days, including me. 

I have faced it over and over with each new person I talk with, and the grief just overwhelms me to the point where I can barely talk. 

People in the group seem reluctant to face work.  I myself had a difficult time going into his office to talk with Reza.  It felt so bad to be there, as I’ve done so often before, only knowing that he won’t be there again. 

He was so good at facing adversity and disappointment without bearing grudges – much better than I am at that. 

I leaned on him so much, and I was always confident that he would come through, and somehow make me look better than I deserved.

… … … … … …

Not a day goes by when I don’t remember Tim. I keep his photo in my office where I can see him from my desk chair, and while I miss him dearly, I enjoy remembering him.

Just a note – I attended a conference of all Materials Science Department chairs last spring in Portland, OR (University Materials Council), and during a break in the meeting, the department chair from the University of Washington introduced himself to me and extended his sympathies for Tim’s passing.  He explained that his department was preparing an offer letter for him when they heard the sad news. They were going to offer him a tenure-track faculty position at UW.  I think we at USC would have done the same in a few weeks.

You know what a great person Tim was, but I thought you might appreciate knowing that he was also a brilliant young scholar recognized by his peers. 

Indeed, I have not replaced him in my group, and doubt that I ever will.

I am proud to have known him, and will always try to honor his memory. 

… … … … … …

What a wonderful idea to create a website for Tim.  I would be glad for you to use my name, the Center’s name, and all of our joint publications.

Re his publications, all publications from the group are available on our Center’s website (we recently did this).

I also can compile a list of his publications alone if that will help, and provide PDF files of each one (will take a little time for the latter). In fact, publications he co-authored are still coming out (academia gears turn slowly at times). 

Also, he was co-PI with me on a National Science Foundation proposal that was funded and awarded after he passed.  When I received notification of the award, the feeling was bittersweet - I only wish he could have shared my happiness.

The award is posted on NSF’s website.  Tim wrote 90% of the proposal and deserves 95% credit.

I also have some photos of Tim “holding court” in the lab during a short course that he and I created to teach Boeing engineers the basics of composites manufacturing.  Tim did such a good job with these short courses, and clearly loved to teach others what he knew so well.  I attach an example of one such photo, where Tim is surrounded by Boeing engineers in a lab tutorial.  In the photo, Tim is teaching them how to make small composite laminates.

… … … … … …

We wanted to get your thoughts on how we can best direct the funds to honor Tim's memory.  We have outlined the following suggestion, but we will gladly defer to you for any modifications or changes that you feel are appropriate.

The GoFundMe account closed with an unexpected high amount and we've tried to integrate your wish to contribute to a charity of your choosing as well as to create an award for students working on composite manufacturing research who embody the qualities that made Tim distinctive: relentless curiosity, enthusiasm, technical ability, and generosity.  We suggest the GoFundMe money is directed as follows:

  • A charitable contribution to be directed to a charity of your choosing

  • A symbolic award to be granted to a USC student on an annual basis. It will be funded by Prof. Nutt, who will also choose the recipient.

  • An award to be granted by SAMPE (a US-based professional society) to a US student and CACSMA (a Canada-based professional society) to a Canadian student, alternating between the two societies each year. Suggested Award Name : “ The Tim Centea Award for Excellence in Composites Manufacturing Research ". We will try - with no guarantee for the moment - to obtain that money contributed to fund this award be matched by each professional society to extend the number of awards that can be given. This award will be funded by what remains of the GoFundMe contributions after the charitable donation has been made, with each of the professional societies managing the funds looking forward

We provide these suggestions as broad ideas, but really we want to make sure that these resources are directed in whatever way to sustain the excelence, the performance and the beautiful ideas that characterized Tim’s professional life.

Professor Dr. Pascal Hubert (Montreal, QC, Canada)

I feel really lucky to have known and mentored Tim at McGill during his PhD studies.

I truly believe he was a gifted young man, who was becoming the ideal academic. Not only did he possess excellent engineering skills, but more importantly he was a natural mentor himself.

This became clear to me has he left the “McGill nest” to start a brilliant academic career at USC. My colleague there, Steve Nutt, often mentioned to me that Tim was the best person that he had working for him and how lucky he was to have him in his group.

At some point, Tim became more than a student to me, as my wife and I considered him as a member of our family.

We truly miss him.

I wanted to let you know that our research group at McGill will organize a Memorial Evening at Thomson House basement restaurant (3650 Mc Tavish St, Montreal, QC H3A 1X9) on Wednesday March 27 at 8h30 pm. We would like to invite you to join us to share our fondest memories of Tim. This It will be at the graduate student club , Thompson House, were Tim and his lab mates used to have drinks after a hard day in the lab. I will not be a formal event, we invited current and past members of the group and close collaborators that worked with Tim when he did his PhD. We have the basement of Thompson House for us to share memories in simplicity. By the way, we will bring smoke meat sandwiches, a favorite of Tim's - as his friends told me

Professors from UCSD (San Diego University)

Condolence message received from UCSD (University of California in San Diego).

Jonathan Lo (Hilsboro, OR, USA)

Sincères condoléances à toute la famille.

Tim a été un mentor magnifique pour moi quand j'étais à l'USC et il a m'aidé à écrir beaucoup de publications.

Il était brilliant et modeste et il avait un sense de l'humour superb et un sourire infectieux.

Sans son aide, je n'aurais pas fini mon doctorat. Il m'a toujours invité à devenir un meilleur scientifique et savant, et je suis vraiment un meilleur chercheur grâce à lui.

C'était un vrai honeur de travailler avec un des plus brilliants esprits sur la matière et ses contributions seront mémorisés pour toujours.

Tim était aussi un merveilleux homme quand le travail était fini; il était toujours prêt à boire un verre ensemble et il aimait me parler de son enthousiasme sur le terrain de motos et de l'hockey.

Je n'oublierai jamais quand nous avons vu le Championnat du Monde en 2012 - nous avons tous les deux supporté les États-Unis contre l'Allemagne.

Merci pour tout ce que tu as été, Tim.

Dors en paix !

Vali Drehuta (Mississauga, ON, Canada)

L-am cunoscut pe Timi de la cea mai frageda vârsta, când întindea mânuța mamei lui ca sa-l ajute sa mearga. L-am revazut mereu, fie in calatoriile noastre in Brasov, fie in Montreal, dupa ce ne-am mutat in Canada. De fiecare data mai puternic si mai independent, pe masura ce avansa in varsta.

Ultima data cand eu personal (Vali) am avut ocazia si placerea  sa interactionez mai mult cu el a fost intr-o zi cand l-am asteptat la aeroport in Toronto si l-am condus cu masina la Hamilton,. In mod natural, conversatia noastra a alunecat catre aviatie. M-a intrebat daca la motoarele la care lucrez eu se folosesc materiale compozite. Sigur ca da! Desi retinut si modest, entuziasmul lui ma patrundea si am avut revelatia ca Timotei Centea a ajuns unul dintre cercetatorii pe munca carora se bazeaza o mare parte din progresele aviatiei moderne.

Dar mai mult, cu mult mai mult decat atat, am avut revelatia ca Timotei Centea este un om care si-a identificat cu precizie domeniul pentru care este dotat si care-l intereseaza si si-a concentrat tot foarte precis eforturile pentru a obtine rezultate de care sa beneficiem cu totii, spre marea lui satisfactie. O secunda m-am gandit la mine. Eu am ajuns inginer nu pentru ca acolo mi-a fost talentul, ci pentru ca "asa au fost vremurile". Vorba lui Miron Costin, "ca nu vremurile sunt sub carma omului, ci bietul om sub vremi".

Ei bine, in acea jumatate de ora am ajuns la concluzia ca Timi s-a dezvoltat intr-o persoana deasupra vremurilor. Sunt convins ca indiferent in ce context istoric ar fi evoluat, Timi ar fi avut aceasta rara capacitate de a-si afla menirea. Inca odata, imi venea in minte  imaginea lui de copil care isi intindea manuta catre mama lui. Ce diferenta! Eram eu mandru de el, imi inchipui ce mandri erau parintii, sora si cei apropiati lui.

Sa afli ca o astfel de persoana ca Timotei Centea a trecut la cele vesnice cand inca avea atat de mult de oferit celor din jur este incomprehensibil. Este numai in puterea lui Dumnezeu  sa decida cand si cum o sa trecem la cele vesnice. Sunt insa foarte putine persoane care au puterea sa-si aranjeze viata incat sa o traiasca cu entuziasm, fiind in acelasi timp o binecuvantare pentru toti cei din jur. Timotei Centea a fost o astfel de persoana.

Dr. Emily Vargas (Los Angeles, CA, USA)

I’ve only been in the lab recently, but Tim has had a very special place in my heart, especially through the first year PhD woes.

He’d always call me crazy for training for half marathons while going through my first year, and that’s why I’m dedicating my next half marathon to him this upcoming May. It’s the least I can do, after all he has done for me and for so many others.

My prayers and blessings go to all who loved him.

Tim was an absolute blessing and angel to us as well, and we were super fortunate to have crossed paths with him when we did. I joined the lab this past August and will always remember Tim for providing unconditional love and support during my first year as a PhD student (he’d always have a joke or something to say to make me laugh / smile when my course load got stressful / difficult).

Meanwhile, here are the coordinates for the Memorial Service inside USC University :

Tim Centea Memorial Service - Thursday, March 21st 2019, Time: 3:00 - 5:00 PM PDT, United University Church, Address: 817 W 34th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90089

… … … … … …

Everyone here at the Composite Center is constantly thinking of you all and Tim. He left such a large legacy and impression with us all that we will carry always. I will share the information about the School in Kenya and contact them. It warms my heart knowing that we were able - through this donation - to make an impact for the better in their lives. Thank you for helping to make this all possible.

… … … … … …

Hi everyone, I hope you are all doing well!

I'm not sure if any of you received the November issue of the SAMPE journal, but I wanted to inform you all that a recognition of Tim is featured on page 46 of the journal for receiving the 2019 Young Professional of the Year Award. I've attached the digital copy of the journal here, for your convenience. I received a hard copy as well, please let me know if you'd like me to send it to any of you interested in obtaining a copy. I'd be more than happy to do so.  You all are always in my thoughts, prayers, and heart. Sending lots of love and hugs.


Dr. Emily Vargas (Los Angeles, CA, USA)

I’d joke around with him from time to time saying he should run a half marathon with me sometime (to which he responded his knees were in no shape to handle 13.1 miles). I will be running my next half marathon on May 5th and am dedicating my run to him. 


Professor Dr. Ishwar Singh (Hamilton, ON, Canada)

I want to express - together with my wife - our heartfelt regrets on the untimely passing away of your dear son Dr. Tim Centea.

This has been very sad news for all of us.

We were very fortunate to have met this exceptionally bright young man just for a short while he was attending Dan Centea's son wedding several years ago.

The family always shared with me Tim's accomplishments and his so many qualities. I was very saddened to hear when this tragedy struck …

His wonderful memories will always be with us.

ASC (American Society for Composites) ‘Best Paper’ award (2011)

Ms. Nimmou Nilankantan, India

… When Gaurav he rang home he was crying and I feared the worst - he informed me that his dearest friend Tim had passed away. I am so so sorry for your loss. My son and your son had a connection and hearing his name so often and how much Gaurav loved and respected him made me feel connected to him too.

Your son stood for everything my son looked up to - passion and dedication for his work, brilliance which is a gift and most importantly a kind and gentle human being. I feel your loss and I just want to reach out to both of you.  I was so worried that, as a stranger, I was intruding in a family's grief … but you have affirmed what I believe - we are all human no matter which part of the globe we come from and a parent is a parent - there is a bond. And, at a time like this to take the trouble to answer my mail has touched me deeply. I am so happy that our sons connected years ago - it fills my heart with warmth.

I have written a poem for you - it is my memorial to your beautiful son - Tim. My heart has been heavy and writing this and sharing, I hope it gives some comfort.

Every time a young life is lost

You do not cry alone my friend

While Angels weep and Heaven sheds a tear

Know that this is not the end….

It matters not whose child it was

Love lives in every parent’s heart

A love that sees not colour or race

Love has no ending from the start….

In this world of conflicting humanity

We grieve the loss of a precious life

Love is what makes us human

Amidst the daily battles and strife…

 Where do you search for your loved one?

You look upwards at the skies at night

And you see your love shining brightly

In the purity of luminous starlight….

 You see them in the morning dew

You hear them in the pure notes of dawn

That gentle breeze that brushes your face

And whispers that Tim lives on….

… … … … … …

I am so overwhelmed by the the memory of this beautiful young man. He still touches my heart. He lived with so much grace and love that it makes me feel that there is a God in Heaven to make such rare human beings. Your son was one of them.

I feel grateful to have known Tim through Gaurav who loved and admired him and spoke so much about him. When we speak from the heart the words flow. In fact, Tim has shown me a path that I can follow - humility, grace and a love that is all encompassing. He still gives me hope, courage and strength.

However far we are, the heart does not see the miles only the connections. And Tim will always be alive in our hearts too.

He was the son who made parenthood a privilege.

Arh. Smaranda Spanu - Cluj, Romania

Tim’s cousin Smaranda dedicated her book to Tim

Dr. Dario Mazzucco (Lainate, MI, Italy)

Only now did I hear about the disappearance of Dr. Centea. I offer my deepest condolences. I have never known Timotei directly but his works and the reading of his university writings have been of great use and have had a great influence in the development of new generation advanced composite materials. I had a deept respect for everything he did.

Profesor Dr. Dorin Bocu (Brasov, Romania)

Daca as avea cum, v-as îmbrățișa și v-as ruga sa ma iertați pentru ca nu știu sa va ajut sa ieșiți vii din aceasta istorie. Pentru ca îmi închipui, atât cat ma duce mintea, ca timpul vindeca rănile sufletești la suprafața. In adâncuri rămâne, însa, nestins focul amintirilor. E un foc care încălzește uneori și alteori stârnește fiori, de parca am umbla îmbrăcați subțire pe cărările nesfârșite ale destinului.

Povestea voastră - și a veșniciei - a fost deja spusa de ințelepciunea Eclesiastului.

Si in fata ei, trebuie sa taci. Da, as fi vrut sa tac. Dar, tăcerea este oare alegerea buna ? Când ma gândesc ca Timi a fost, înainte de a fi orice altceva, suflet din sufletul vostru.. A uitat vreodată el de voi ? Nu cred. (… uneori, copii uita de părinti pentru a se îngriji mai bine de visele lor). La fel nu va uita nici acum. dar dintr-o alta lume, o lume a Eclesiast-ului plina de soare si umbre. Lumea Eclesiastului are farmecul ei tocmai pentru ca nu suntem perfecți, deși, un mic gând ma face sa cred ca Timi a fost … foarte aproape.

Acum e poate mai aproape ! Dar gândul asta îmi înmoaie genunchii și stâlpii de susținere ai sufletului. Poate ca Timi a ajuns - mai devreme și fără preaviz - acolo unde toți ar trebui sa avem ințelepciunea și puterea de a pleca într-o buna zi, de bunăvoie. Plecăciune din inima in fata lui. Mi-ar fi plăcut sa locuim, eu și el, pe aceeași planeta.

Ma rog pentru odihna sufletului celui care a plecat prea devreme.

Suflete ! … călătorie minunata printre stelele veșniciei!

Iar vouă … vouă … Voie bună lacrimilor voastre !

Tim received - at the SAMPE 2018 Conference - the award for the Outstanding Paper (First place)

Profesor Dr. Elena Helerea (Brasov, Romania)

Vestea despre Timi a ajuns și la mine.

Eu nu pot sa va consolez dar pot sa fiu alături de voi. Am citit cu mare interes despre viata și despre lucrările concepute de Timi. Intr-adevăr sunt impresionante realizările lui - de la materiale compozite și procesare la antropologie...

Timi nu putea sa fie decât asa cum sunteți voi: generoși, săritori, visători, plini de viata.

Flacăra lui Timi a ars intens, poate ca a simțit ca trebuie sa dea cat mai mult si cat mai bine oamenilor. Si a făcut asta.

Ramane si pentru mine un prieten de nădejde, asa cum este si va fi pentru voi !

Dan Nițescu (Frankfurt am Main, Germany) 

Suferința familiei este imensa … mai ales că în cazul de faţă nimeni nu ar avea un motiv plauzibil de a-si face vreun reproș.

Nici un păcat de comisiune, nici unul de de omisiune, pentru că nimeni - în mod rezonabil şi chiar nerezonabil - nu putea să se aștepte la aşa ceva.

Pare deplasat acum să spun asta, și puțin comprehensibil pentru noi oamenii, dar probabil că o forţă divină a vrut să-l cruţe de la ceva mult mai rău. În ciuda etimologiei numelui său (Τιμόθεος - Timo Theos = cel ce se teme / îl onorează de Dumnezeu, in greaca veche, vezi , sunt sigur că deja a descoperit că nu are motiv să se teamă de Dumnezeu, și că e foarte bine acolo, în preajma Lui.

Cândva, peste mult timp - timp pe care trebuie să-l acceptați ca un cadou, cu toate greutățile lui - vă veţi vedea cu el, iar atunci nu numai el, ci şi voi veți fi tineri din nou. E o promisiune bazata pe un principiu rudimentar dar adevarat care se numește Credință. Insa, detaliile acestei promisiuni de salvare vor rămâne învăluite mereu în mister, aşa cum şi trebuie, pentru minţile noastre limitate.

Sarah Ross (Los Angeles, California, USA)

Hello Alyson … thanks again for the invite to Tim's memorial. I was very impressed.

Below I listed all the books Tim wanted us to read in our book club … The first five we have all read. The others were suggested by Tim … but they didn't got picked by the group.

  • All the Pretty Horses - Cormac McCarthy

  • The Brothers Karamazov - Fyodor Dostoevsky

  • Ficciones - Jorge Luis Borges

  • Our Man in Havana - Graham Greene

  • The Master and Margarita - Mikhail Bulgakov

  • Collected Stories - Gabriel Garcia Marquez

  • Inherent Vice - Thomas Pynchon

  • The Magus - John Fowles

  • L.A. Confidential - James Ellroy

Tim will be very sadly missed by our reading club!


From: Montreal Canadiens Children's Foundation <> Date: Tue, Apr 16, 2019 at 1:51 PM

Dear Miss Ruxandra Centea, We wish to express our sincere gratitude for your generous donation in memory of Dr. Timotei Centea.

We are deeply touched by your support. With this contribution, our Foundation will be able to pursue its mission, which is to offer a brighter future and good health to underprivileged children as well as encourage and foster a healthy and active lifestyle among youth.

We can’t thank you enough for the confidence you are showing towards our organization.

Confirmation no: 4396 In Memoriam : Dr. Timotei Centea On Behalf of the Ladybugs and CASC Women's Hockey

SAMPE (Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering) - US

SAMPE has notified Tim of the Award granted for his activity … it was several days after his passing

Memorial photo installed in 2019 in USC L:ab

Andrei Barbat (Bucuresti, Romania)

Buna ziua! Vreau sa imi exprim profunde condoleante pentru tragedia prin care treceti dumneavoastra si toti ceilalti apropiati. Atat eu cat si parintii mei suntem foarte afectati de vestea asta si imi pare nespus de rau de ce s-a intamplat. Dumnezeu sa-l ierte pe Timi, un suflet minunat care acum este intr-un loc mai bun. Va urez multa putere in a trece prin toate acestea si sa ramaneti o familie unita si iubitoare!

Ruchir Shanbhag (Los Angeles + Cleveland, USA)

… Just realized yesterday was Tim's birthday. It must have been hard. Hope you and Mrs. Centea are ok. Happy birthday Tim. Rest in peace with God. I think of my dear friend Tim often and he inspires me everyday to be a better person. I can't imagine how hard it must have been. But how right you are, that in getting up everyday and going about life, you honor his memories and his values. You are right: his love was immense. As a friend and co-worker, I know the other qualities he espoused are humility and kindness. We all pass away one day. Tim passed away much before his time. But in that short life, the lives of others he touched makes his life more impact filled than many longer lives. As for real friendship and loyalty, that is a testament to Tim, in how much he touched others, including me that I often remember him.

In fact, it is easy to remember him always. Tim, with his kindness, was really an inspiration. He didn't have much time on this planet as it turned out, so he used whatever time he had to have meaningful impact on the lives of others like me. I will always be grateful he was my friend. The castles we may or may not have pass on through times to others. The only thing that remains and is of real consequence is the way we touch others' lives. And Tim sure touched a lot of lives. God bless!!!

Mr. Centea, that is a testament to your wonderful son. I miss him dearly, and I wish he were here with us. But I believe in life after this life and I hope to see him again. In one of your previous messages, you talked about royals and castles. I don't know how you guessed that I actually belong to a royal family with real castles in India. And I have grew up with royals and yes, in my mind, Tim epitomized those principles that my parents raised me to believe. Your pain is great, but I seriously hope and believe that there is an afterlife and that you will one day be united with your son and my friend Tim Centea, the kindest prince I have known in my life

It was Tim, who was my friend, with a capital F. He was brilliant, he was very good at what he did but even then, to me, his most amazing trait was his friendship and kindness. We should all try to be more like him. Sometimes, it amazes me how mature he was for his age. I can still imagine his voice as he spoke, his smile and the warmth he exuded. Hand in there, dear Centea family. Tim would want nothing more than for you and your family to find peace and moments of happiness and live a full life until you meet again one day.

William Edwards (Los Angeles, CA, USA)

I'm no longer at USC (I graduated in December 2020), but I'm working hard to commercialize some of the prepreg technology that Tim played an instrumental role in developing, and I'll always go back occasionally to poke around the labs. Tim's been especially close to my heart the last couple weeks because 1) the patent Apogee is commercializing and we are listed as co-inventors on was finally issued on January 4th, 2022, and 2) I'm expecting to imminently close major equipment purchases and investment deals that will support the next two years of Apogee operations. If you haven't seen the issued patent, you can find it here

In truth, I'm as terrified as I am excited about what it's going to take to make Apogee successful, and I find myself wishing I could get Tim's advice at least once or twice every week. I would have loved to share this adventure with him. I hope he would be proud. He will forever be one of my greatest role models.

Gaurav Nilankantan (Los Angeles, CA, USA)

Well before I joined the company, going back to my much younger days in academia. I never forgot how friendly, engaging, and yet humble those great and powerful minds were and it taught me an important lesson – always make time and pay it forward, regardless of position! You never know whose life you may impact in ways you never were aware of, may even be a casual conversation in the hallways of a university or technical conference. Anyway, I am ever so grateful to Boeing for the trust and responsibility it’s placed in me and the opportunities it has provided me, and the same goes for the United States of America, a heartfelt thank-you! Also to my wonderful family and many colleagues, mentors, friends, and dearly departed (Timotei Centea) – it really does take a village!

Steven Phillips (Ottawa, ON, Canada)

I have been meaning to write for a while and stumbling upon the beautiful memorial site was the impetus I needed. I was a good friend of Tim’s and classmate during grad school at McGill. Tim had a major impact on my life and I wanted to share some of the great things I remember about him and the experiences we shared.

You’ve probably heard it all by now (and seen for yourself) but Tim had an amazing combination of intelligence and modesty that was a thing of beauty. He had a way of making complex things appear simple. He also had generosity and patience in sharing his knowledge with others. I know this all too well as I was on the receiving end of this generosity numerous times. He helped me a great deal in my thesis work, particularly by sharing an experimental setup that he developed. His attention to detail and work ethic was like no other. If I was ever around school on Saturday, I could be sure that Tim was there working diligently.

On top of work ethic, Tim knew how to enjoy life and was always keen on going to the gym. I used to go with him almost everyday after lunch. During those workouts, we had many great conversations. He was such an interesting and thoughtful guy that it seemed we never ran out of things to discuss.

One experience I shared with him that I will never forget, was when Tim convinced me to go to see Leonard Cohen. At the time I debated if it was worth the money. Looking back now, there is no price that could be placed on that experience. We both shared a love of Leonard Cohen’s music and the concert was amazing (he played three encores). I often think of that night when debating whether something is worth the money. Those experiences are what make life truly special and one never knows how many they will get.

I was also fortunate to travel to many conferences with Tim, including one in New Zealand. We did a road trip together across the north island with Jim Kratz and Chris Hickey. One memory that stands out was on the day trip arranged by the conference organizers. They took us to Piha beach, an absolutely stunning area. Tim and I wandered off a bit and found a beach that looked too enticing to pass up a swim (even though it was the middle of winter!). Upon returning to the group, the organizers noticed that our shorts were wet and were completely mortified. Apparently they didn’t have insurance for us swimming but we had a good time all the same. (I noticed a picture of us on that day under the “school” section on the memorial website - I’m the one in the red jacket).

Those are just some of the great memories I shared with Tim. I was fortunate to see him the October before he passed away at CAMX in Dallas (a large conference about composites). In true Tim fashion, he was awarded the best paper award along with a student that he mentored. I can only imagine all of the students that would have had their lives changed by working with him. Losing him was a great loss for all of the composites community.  

All that to say, thanks for raising a great son that contributed to making my life better as well as so many others. As the saying goes, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree so I’m sure a lot of Tim’s qualities came from your family. I can’t imagine how hard it has been since losing him. In some ways, there is a piece of Tim in all who knew him and I’m happy to say I am one of those people.

Thank you for the kind reply. It's the least I could do! Absolutely, please use any pictures that you have that include me. They bring back such good memories. Unlike Tim, I was terrible at taking pictures (something I regret now!) so unfortunately I have nothing significant to add. There is one shot attached which you may already have. It was for the "Movember" fundraiser. We all grew moustaches and photoshoped the picture to make it look like it was taken in 1976. :) I'm the one standing next to Tim opposite Dominic. Tim always had a great sense of humor!

I'm currently working in Ottawa (my hometown) at a waterslide manufacturer called ProSlide. I never thought composites would lead me to manufacturing waterslides! I'm indebted to Tim for much of the knowledge and skills I use on a regular basis. His presentation advice in particular really resonated with me. One insightful thing he said (among many) was that, at the end of the day, our work is distilled into papers and presentations. For that reason, those skills are more important than anything. Nobody was better than Tim at presentations. I remember going after him for our preliminaries and let's just say when I saw the calibre of his presentation, I got a little nervous. :) He always provided such constructive advice though. I frequently get compliments from colleagues on my presentations now and some of the credit definitely goes to Tim!

I look forward to seeing the updated memorial site. Please keep me posted if I can help in any way.

Nicholas Lee (Los Angeles, CA, USA)

Greetings from the USC Stevens Center of Innovation. My name is Nick Lee and I am a licensing associate here at USC.  I had the pleasure of working with Tim to manage his intellectual contributions to novel inventions.  Tim was a very well respected member of the USC community and I am sorry for your loss.

I am reaching out as we have continued to prosecute patent applications for which Tim is an inventor. Details on the patent can be found here:

This patent is getting close to issuance, a great achievement for any researcher. We are working to complete the necessary paperwork to proceed. As Tim was an employee at USC during the time of the invention, he had assigned his rights to USC. I am hoping that you may be able to help with completing the attached document that is to be signed by Tim’s legal representative. This document confirms that. Tim’s rights in the patent have been assigned to USC due to his obligations at the time. 

I would greatly appreciate your assistance and please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you.

Emily Anne Vargas (Los Angeles, CA, USA)

I simply wanted to send you all a note as I was thinking of you all and Tim just a few days ago. Sending my thoughts and prayers and hope you all are safe and well. It's so great to hear from you all, it truly made my day ! As always, if there is anything I can do for you all to support in any way, please don't hesitate to reach out. You all are always in my thoughts. Wishing you all the best. 

Nimmou Nilankantan (India)

I hope I am not intruding into your personal space by sending a message during this time of remembrance. The need to connect and to offer words of solace gives me the courage to reach out. I have never forgotten Tim even though I never met him … just knowing he occupied a big part in Gaurav's life and was so warmly and admiringly spoken about so often, sealed a place in my heart and forged a connection. I think of both of you and send a prayer for peace and love..that is what a heart needs.


I asked God, “What do I say?”

To ease a parent’s loss and pain

I asked Him “How can I help?”

Some peace and strength to regain…


He replied “I will make you my emissary”

And send through you words of hope

That however heavy some days may be

I will give them the strength to cope…


“Give me the words” I humbly prayed

Bless me I begged with the gift

That I may comfort with a phrase

A simple sentence an aching heart to lift…


“I will connect you” God answered

To reach the grieving soul

Tell them I will mend the broken heart

With loving kindness make their spirit whole…


“One more wish I ask of you God”

Please heed my humble plea

That they remember only the joyful times

 And from the pain of loss be set free..


“Tim is by my side” God replied

His journey on earth fulfilled and content

He was the gift given to his parents

The most holy and precious that was Heaven sent….


Nimmou Nilakantan

March 2021

Please accept these few bumbling words which cannot cover so many deep feelings that do not find words to express them. I say it again and with true sincerity - I have learned what grace is, what courage is, what faith is and most importantly what acceptance is from your family. Loss affects each one in a different way- you have shown me one beautiful way and I am truly grateful for that. I feel blessed that in this time I found words to comfort...whenever I feel down or unhappy with the way things are or why things happen, I will remember this moment and feel there is a God and He shows the way, our purpose and renews our faith. You are all in my thoughts., with warmth and  love.

Dana & Alina Muntean (Timisoara, Romania)

Dumnezeu sa va aline suferinta si sa va dea sensul, nadejdea si puterea de a trece peste toate durerile si peste zilele triste pe care le traiti. Suntem toti cu gandul la Timi.

Dana & Alina Muntean (Timisoara, Romania)

Dumnezeu sa va aline suferinta si sa va dea sensul, nadejdea si puterea de a trece peste toate durerile si peste zilele triste pe care le traiti. Suntem toti cu gandul la Timi.

Dr. Tony Silvestri (Los Angeles, CA, USA)

Dear Serban-- I am moved beyond words by your story!

I am gratified that The Sacred Veil ( ) can be a comfort to you - this is exactly why we created (with Eric Whitacre) the work.

And as a fellow Trojan (PhD '95 at USC) and a professor too, I am moved by your son's loss. May his memory always be a blessing to you

Dr. Ihsan Basaran (Toronto, ON, Canada)

I am a postdoc fellow and recently started working on methyl methacrylate-based resins, my literature search led me to Tim’s article "Thermoplastic prepreg with partially polymerized matrix: Material and process development for efficient part manufacturing". It was such a valuable contribution, it answered my many questions I had, because there are few studies on that topic, published lately. I want to learn some details about the rheometry analysis set-up, a field Tim excelled in.

I was deeply affected and felt sorry to hear that Tim is no longer among us. Life is sometimes so cruel and meaningless, when we see this type of iniquitous things are happening. I can say that Tim’s wise attitude and valuable contribution to science was - at least for me - significant. I want to thank him through you and wish all the angels to be with him. When I finish my work related to his field, I will try to honor Tim in every case possible such as articles, congress talks. 

Dr. Doru Ursutiu (Brasov, Romania)

Un om special nu îl recunoști după chip, ci după suflet și ceea ce lasă în urma sa. Sunt mai multe moduri în care putem spune “te iubesc” și cred că acest site special dedicat lui Timi - spune totul despre sentimentele celor care l-au cunoscut și-l vor cunoaște mai bine în acest fel. Trebuie doar să citim printre rânduri, să ne uităm la imagini şi realizări! Oamenii frumoși nu sunt întotdeauna buni, dar oamenii buni sunt întotdeauna frumoși … prin tot ceea ce fac. Este suficient să parcurgi acest site și îți vei da seama. Cu Timi în gând și mult drag, Doru.

Dr. Dario Mazzuco (Milano, Italy)

Only now did I hear about the disappearance of Dr. Centea. I offer my deepest condolences. I have never known Timotei directly but his works and the reading of his university writings have been of great use and have had a great influence in the development of new generation advanced composite materials. This Email is a proof of his long-lasting influence. If his works have succeeded to inspire others in his domain, we can only dream that he will continue to smile to us. Along with everybody’s struggles, but also along the joy of all the victories to come. With deep respect from Milano, Dr. Dario Mazzucco