Références et Recherches
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NSF Website - containing a part of Tim’s works or collaborations
M. C. Gill Composites Center, USC Viterbi School of Engineering - containing a part of Tim’s works or collaborations
Domaines de recherche
Process Modeling of the Co-Cure Bonding of Honeycomb Core Sandwich Structures
Funding: NASA;
Role: Co-Investigator
Goal: Develop a physics-based model that describes the relationships between material, process and structural quality.
Material characterization of prepreg, film adhesive and core
Process analysis and identification of governing phenomena
Process model development
Vacuum Infusion of Aerospace Structures: Process Simulations and Experimental Validation
Funding: Airbus Institute for Engineering Research (USC);
Role: Co-Principal Investigator
Goal: Improve accuracy of process simulations for vacuum infusions by model development, refinement, and validation
Assessment and improvement of modeling capabilities for commercial codes
Lab-scale experimental studies focused on understanding scale-up to complex structures and role of consumable materials
Development of process simulation guidelines for industry
Out-of-Autoclave/Vacuum Bag-Only Prepreg Processing Science
Funding: NSF Partnerships for Innovation, M.C. Gill Composites Center, Airbus (previous: USC Stevens Center for Innovation, NSF G8 Materials Efficiency Initiative)
Goal: Improve the technical, economic and environmental efficiency of modern manufacturing methods for aerospace structures
Prepreg architecture design and optimization
Defect reduction strategies
Manufacturing guidelines for complex parts
Advanced cure environments (multi-zone heated tools, sensors)
Reuse of in-process waste
Cost and life cycle assessments
Optimized Materials and Processes for Co-Cured Scarf Repairs of High-Performance Composite Structures
Funding: M.C. Gill Composites Center (previous: C2SI, Department of the Navy)
Goal: Develop and demonstrate the use of optimized prepreg architectures and resin systems for co-cured scarf repairs.
Material characterization and down-selection
Manufacturing process development
Mechanical performance assessments
Liquid Molding of Benzoxazine/Epoxy Resins for High-Temperature Aerospace Applications
Funding: M.C. Gill Composites Center
Goal: Investigate and optimize materials and processing for the manufacture of high-temperature composite parts
Novel material characterization methods for volatilizing resins
Mechanisms of defect formation during resin transfer molding of high-temperature structural components
Process modeling and cure optimization