Professional Activity

At the end of his doctorate, USC (University of Southern California) in Los Angeles and professor Steven Nutt offered him the possibility of a Post-Doctoral position, which he accepted enthusiastically, with a desire for to prove himself at one of the best composite centers in the United States.

USC is the oldest private university in California (founded in 1880) with a wide range of specialties and over 40,000 students. The prestige stature of the institution is given by the performance of the educational act, which is witnessed by 9 Nobel laureates, 11 Rhodes Scholars, 12 Marshall Scholars and a large number of other awards, including in cinema (Academy Awards).

Life in Los Angeles and daily work at the University meant a major change, in which the beauty of the places and the passion for the profession partially compensated for his loneliness and longing for family. He took refuge in work and had results that influenced both the composites department and the careers of many students, which he converted with passion to his field.

After 2 years of Post-Doctoral activity (in which he was also the president of the Post-Doctoral association at USC), he was promoted as Assistant Research Professor - a title that allowed him to continue his activities at a higher level. He was the author and co-author of multiple specialized studies, he made efforts to modernize a laboratory that became a standard in the industry, he participated in multiple specialized conferences (especially in the US, but also in Greece and Denmark), and managed important contractual relations (mostly with NASA and Boeing).

He never forgot his Alma Mater school, being a member of the McGill graduate association in Los Angeles.

This chapter dedicated to his professional activity is not over yet. Even after his passing, the strong impression left by Tim in the academic and composite environment continued to make waves. His mentor, Prof. Nutt, with a superb loyalty to his team, continues to publish works in which Tim was co-author. SAMPE (Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering) awarded him posthumously in May 2019 in Charlotte NC, the Professional of the Year award, after repeatedly winning awards and mentions at previous SAMPE and ASC (American Society for Composites).

In 2020, NASA honored the project that was led by Prof Steven Nutt and Tim, in an awards ceremony, under the chapter ACP (Advanced Composites Project, an industry-university consortium devoted to composites technology).

According to prof. Nutt, Tim was instrumental in conceiving, planning, executing, and leading this 4-year project, which also involved University of Delaware and United Technologies. In fact, Tim wrote most of the proposal that was selected above others in a competitive, peer-review process. He leading role was deserved in every sense of the title. Tim demonstrated exceptional administrative and organization skills, winning respect and affection from team members, ranging from students to NASA program managers to industrial colleagues. He excelled in every aspect – research creativity, mentoring, presentation skills, and academic leadership. In short, he made everything work perfectly in the project.

The awards ceremony open to the public, but because of the Covid pandemic, it was streamed on-line.

One invention - which Tim co-authored - has been approved as a patent by the United States Patent and Trademark Office, in 2022.

At least another invention - which Tim also co-authored - is in line for approval by the United States Patent and Trademark Office.


Personal Journeys


Life in Los Angeles and Voyages with Alyson