
Our dear Tim was an exemplary man: to his exceptional intellectual qualities was added a nature of rare goodness, a boundless curiosity and a constant desire to help others ... The way he shared a new idea, a new reading or the impression of a new play was a spiritual adventure for the listener. The rationality of his opinions was united with an impeccable capacity for expression; a clarity difficult to surpass. Everyone had something to gain around him: whether from professional life, or in family and friends.

Through everything he did, Tim gave himself to everyone, with the unconditional candor of great personal character. Everyone was happy around him, and through their happiness, he also felt that he was alive.

... Until, a terrible heart attack that happened in his sleep, on March 9, 2019, stole him from us forever.

Our beloved Timothy was a beautiful dream: a bright mind, an unmistakable smile, a force greater than nature and a rare goodness. He could rise above the times: in any historical context he would have evolved, he would have had this rare ability to find his purpose. There are few people who have the strength to live their lives with enthusiasm, being at the same time a blessing for those around them. Our beloved Tim was one of them.

His passing initiated a huge wave of messages from four continents. Friends, institutions, universities - all expressed their sympathy, regret and desire to preserve his memory. The universities of Los Angeles and Montreal have organized two commemorations, and a list of donations allowed to establish a scholarship in his name and also to help build a School in Kenya. He was named Youth Leader in his specialty and an award was given in May 2019 to the family, on his behalf, at the SAMPE conference in Charlotte.

Nonetheless, beyond all these merits, the soul, the smile, and the warmth of his existence will remain our pathway of life. Tim will guard us and guide us in the years to come. And if we look for him, we will certainly find him still caroling in the shadows of the great glaciers of the Rocky Mountains, looking deep into the volcanoes of Indonesia or Honduras, admiring the fairy-tale animals of Madagascar, dancing with the tribes of Java or the Masai warriors, or photographing a bloody sunset, and majestic lions in the steppes of Serengeti Park.

Or, most likely, we will find out that he is beyond the horizon, smiling with Alyson, in their attempt to embrace a group of children from Indonesia's sun-drenched villages.

There, and so on, we will all find ourselves. There, we may be together again. And only then will we become joyous again.

May God forgive our adored Timothy and rest his sweet soul in the bright world of the righteous.


Life in Los Angeles and Voyages with Alyson